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Is There Anything Natural about Natural Flavouring?

When someone told me years ago, "there was nothing truly natural about natural flavouring"                   I discovered how right they really were.
So you might ask, is there really nothing natural about natural flavouring?  
Well the simple answer is not really.  Both artificial and natural flavouring can contain chemicals and the ingredients in that flavouring are not always listed in a products ingredients list. (This is a big concern for anyone with food allergies or sensitivities.)   

Basically to be "Natural" it must only be plant or animal derived, while "Artificial" is completely synthesized, but they can actually both contain the same chemicals.   

According to

"Essentially, anything added for flavor that is not an artificial flavor is a “natural flavor.” And, since food manufacturers do not need to disclose the ingredients of the “natural flavors” added [unless they fall into the top allergen category], it can pretty much include anything, even something to which you are allergic."

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency says that foods can be represented as "natural" if they do not contain food additives, artificial flavour, added nutrients or vitamins. This food must also be in its original form without any significant processing.
However a “natural ingredients” label is allowed when products contain some natural ingredients. 

If you are interested in more information from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency check out this link



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