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Unexpected Ingredient Change With My Supplements

Well I had a bit of a nasty and unexpected surprise this week.
When I was answering an ingredient question for someone else I discovered they had changed the ingredients in the Probiotic I had been taking.
Let's just say I was not happy (ok, ok, I admit that's rather a huge understatement).  I had been trying to figure out why my allergies have been getting increasingly worse lately.  Combing through all the possibilities in my head and ruling one out after the other.

There was absolutely no notice of the change on the label, just one little added ingredient at the very end of the list that I happen to be rather allergic to "sucrose".  Yes you guessed it sugar.  It can also be called dextrose, sucralose (aka's actually made from sucrose), or pretty much anything ending in "ose".
I actually do double check the ingredients every once in a while but didn't check it the last time I bought it. Which means I have been taking it for about a month, as my symptoms simply got worse and worse each day. about pure Frustration!  So this is why my allergies have been so bad, my skin beyond itchy and irritated and I feel absolutely crappy!
Why can't they simply say on the label that there has been an ingredient change?
It's such a simple thing and could save a lot of people with allergies and sensitivities a great deal of suffering and frustration.
Now I have to go on the all too familiar and frustrating search for a similar product that doesn't contain sugar (a huge challenge as it seems 98% of Probiotics I can find list sugar on the ingredient label).

oh..., and since I'm on a roll with this whole venting thing, I feel I really have to say just one more thing.  Why on earth do I need sugar in my Supplements and Vitamins anyway?  It's not like I can taste them (or want to for that mater).


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