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A Helpful Find For Gentle Makeup Removal

So if you're a little on the sensitive side you know that when allergies and skin irritation strike some of us tend to wear a bit more makeup than we might normally.  This of course makes effective yet gentle makeup removal all that more important.  But even just cleansing well when your face is irritated can be tricky. So "Gentle" is the key word to keep in mind, the very last things you need is to make things worse.
Using fewer of the right products is usually a safe bet and if your anything like me, have never been able to use any kind of eye makeup removers product.  I gave up trying years ago.
So on one of those inevitable trips to the dollar store I found some makeup remover cloths and decided to give them a try. Sometimes this place has the fantastic ability to surprise me, and yes they actually did work better at removing my makeup than just a regular facecloth.
But fast forward almost one year and I spotted "Danielle Erase Your Face Makeup Removing Cloths, for sensitive skin" on sale online.  My dollar store find by this point were well used and a little more than just tired looking so I decided to look into them.  With a bit of research and of course checking out tons of reviews online. I found that the majority of the reviews on this product were extremely positive so I decided to place my order and give them a try.
I was definitely not disappointed, wow!!  You can absolutely count me as one of those numerous and very happy users.  I only wish I had discovered them sooner.
 These chemical free cloths are super soft and they really do remove All my makeup like nothing I have ever used before. I can even take a white cotton makeup pad remover and run it all over my face after using it and nothing shows up.  Completely unlike using my regular facecloth where there's inevitably more than just a little something left behind. (I'm sure I'm not the only one who experienced this bit of frustration.)  It's so nice because with this cloth you're not scrubbing to get everything off and when your skin is sensitive or already irritated that is a big plus. They can even take your makeup off with just water.


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