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Do Yo Know About Matcha?

Several years ago I started drinking matcha tea after dinner as a digestive aid.  But I also began to notice that it helped some of my allergy symptoms too.
Did you know that this magical green powder, known as matcha has 137 times more antioxidants than regular green tea?  Pretty amazing right? 
That's because matcha is made by using the entire tea leaf, by grinding it into a powder you get the most nutrients from the entire leaf. While in comparison, simply steeping the leaves as you would with your typical green tea you miss out on many of the benefits. 
Matcha contains an amazing amount of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and amino acids.
For example the chlorophyll in Matcha acts as a detoxifier in the body, while L-Theanine (an amino acid that creates alpha waves which leads to a state of relaxed alertness) is up to five times higher than in regular green tea.
The EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) contained in Matcha (and green tea) block immunoglobulin E(IgE) and histamine and therefore help reduce some of those uncomfortable allergy symptoms.
According to, Tufts University did some testing (ORAC or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity to be exact) and they found that matcha contained twenty times more antioxidants than blueberries.  The actual ORCA rating for matcha equals 1573 units per gram versus blueberries at 93 units per gram.
Matcha has been linked to many positive health studies that promote it's health benefits in helping prevent heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, lowering high blood pressure, reducing LDL cholesterol, and all over boosting the immune system.  More studies are needed especially clinical trials but the indications so far seem extremely positive.
Just think, it would take about 10 cups of regular green tea to equal just one cup of matcha.  That is a whole lot of tea.
But what if you want the benefits of matcha but you're not exactly a fan of the tea. While there is a difference in taste between the different varieties some people just don't like the taste all that much.  The good news is that since matcha is a powder you can add it to all kinds of things. You can add it to your smoothies and all kinds of baking.
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