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Some Good Things About Chocolate

Since we just celebrated Halloween I thought it was the perfect time to talk more about chocolate.  Ok,really when isn't it a good time to talk chocolate?

I came across this article recently that discusses how chocolate can help a cough?  Intrigued?  Yes, well so was I.

*In three separate studies cocoa was found to help to reduce inflammation and irritation.  An alkaloid called thebromine, is said to help suppress coughing by reducing the "activity of the vagus nerve".  The studies investigated the possibility of combining it with codeine to replace cough syrups.
According to Wikipedia an ounce of milk chocolate contains about 60 milligrams, but dark chocolate contains about 200 milligrams of thebromine. 

But of course there are other benefits to chocolate. I'm not talking milk chocolate or even white chocolate (which isn't really chocolate since it doesn't actually contain cocoa solids) but at least 70% dark chocolate.  Even though it's higher in fat (the good kind, thank you very much) eating small amounts regularly can have a lot of benefits.

Here is a quick comparison for you.
100g, Lindt  Excellence Cocoa 70% Dark Chocolate bar had the following:

566 Calories
41g fat
12.2 g fiber
5 mg Iron
140g Calcium
29g Sugar
39mg Sodium
570mg Potassium

Compared to what I enjoy. Giddy Yo, 100% Cacoa unsweetened bar, 61-64g which has the following:

200 Calories
2g Fiber
0g sugar
16g Fat/Lipides
26mg Calcium
2.4mg iron
208mg Potassium

It's expensive chocolate but the quality is excellent, and it's the only chocolate bar I have found without sugar or some kind of sweetener added. I usually only have 2-3 squares at a time with a nut butter (sometimes I even mix in a tiny bit of brown rice syrup into to the nut butter).  It's delicious!

Dark Chocolate is loaded with all those wonderful antioxidants like catechins, flavanols, and polyphenols.  Some studies suggest they may contain even more than other fruits such as blueberries. So far studies have shown that compounds found in dark chocolate can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, lower cholesterol, help protect your skin from the sun by improving blood flow, increase skin density and hydration. It also increases blood flow to the brain and contains stimulants like caffeine.

Another interesting difference to note is that of Natural Cocoa vs Dutch Processed Cocoa.  Because Dutch processed cocoa is treated with alkali it actually removes all those healthy flavanols. So when possible go ahead and choose natural cocoa

Here is a Easy Hot Chocolate recipe just in case you haven't had enough chocolate.

Easy Hot Chocolate

1 Tbsp Organic Cocoa
1/4 tsp Sugar free Vanilla
Milk (skim, 1%, 2% or a milk alternative)
Sweetener to taste (honey, brown rice syrup, etc...)



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