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Allergy Overload

Last week was definitely a tough one on the allergy front. Between the air pollution from surrounding forest fires a big exposure to grass, plus something else I haven't been able to determine. I was feeling really horrible.

I'm talking everything from itchy eyes, ears, throat, skin, congestion, stomach upset and very very little sleep.  Basically I had a complete allergy overload that resulted in eczema from head to toe along with all the other allergy symptoms I just mentioned. Never a fun experience and not a pretty one either. 

Finally by day four (it seemed like so much longer...) I began to feel and see some relief.  Generally when allergies get bad I try to increase my vitamin C and antioxidant intake, making sure to take extra care in what I eat. Trying not to have the same thing two days in a row and staying away from anything that "might" make things worse.

One thing you quickly realize is that when you're that itchy and your skin is irritated some fabrics are more comfortable to wear than others. Especially if you already have an allergy to something used in the making of that item or in the fabric itself. Loose fitting soft material is you best friend during times like these. My personal favourite is modal as it's soft, light weight and breathable.  Staying away from chemically treated fabrics like wrinkle or stain resistant fabric and rougher fabrics like corduroy can reduce any further irritation. Wear soft natural fibers. Materials like organic cottons, flannel, spandex, 100% silk, linen, acrylic, nylon, polyester and even denim.

Keeping a good moisture barrier on your skin (if you can) during this time can also really help. It's not always possible for me because my skin sometimes objects to everything but a green tea rinse. But, because green tea contains antioxidants and it's an anti-inflammatory it can bring relief by helping calm irritated and itchy skin.  All I do is steep an organic green tea bag  anywhere from 20 minutes to overnight and apply it to the skin and let it dry. Applying it as needed one to three times a day.

I did find a blog that suggested you could also use green tea leaves as a gentle exfoliant. Which for those of us with sensitive skin sounds like it would a great option. Gentle and only one ingredient, something I think I will definatly have to try.

Looking for more helpful resources and information on eczema?  I've listed a few good ones below. - Eczema, Canadian Dermatology Association. - The Eczema Society of Canada - National Eczema Association.

Sources: Clothing for People with Sensitive Skin Contact dermatitis and clothing connection Worst fabrics for skin. Clothing material.


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