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Biscuits With A Twist

A few months ago I found a tasty and easy to make rice flour tea biscuit recipe online . The recipe is actually on our Recipe board on Pinterest.  Since I am allergic to flour and sugar it's not always easy to find great tasting substitutions especially when it comes to baking.

Yes there is your classic jam or fruit spread (for me it would be a fruit juice sweetened jam) but enjoying the biscuits with berries, my favourite being strawberries with a little bit of yogurt is a nice treat.  Another option of course could also be whip cream to make it more like a dessert. Remember Strawberry Shortcake?  You could even drizzle a little chocolate over top if you absolutely had to.
But honestly I 've really been craving cinnamon buns for a long time, especially since I started making these new biscuits.  It's been more years than I care to admit since I've been able to enjoy a cinnamon bun because of food allergies.  So recently in a burst of creativity, craving and perhaps a little desperation (ok, I admit it was more like a lot of desperation) I decided to try something.
First I rinsed a handful of raisins in warm water to warm them up and make them nice and plump.  I warmed and then sliced a biscuit in half and applied a little butter to each side sprinkling the raisins  over top and then generously sprinkled cinnamon over the whole thing. I didn't have any nuts left in the house but I think that they would have been a nice addition too.
Not all my bursts of  creativity work but I have to say that this tasted really really good to me and it completely satisfied my craving for cinnamon buns.  It was quick and easy and took just a couple of minutes to make.
Here are a few other topping ideas for your biscuits. No matter what kind of biscuits you make, with flour or without or even sugar free, it's always nice to have options, especially tasty ones.
  • Date jam.
  • Nut butter and banana.
  • Your favourite cheese.
  • Cooked fruit.                                                                                                                                 Instead of the typical fruit crisp with oats and or flour toppings I just bake the fruit adding a bit of thickener like tapioca.  It can be any berry or berry mix, peaches, apples, mango and strawberries or any other fruit mix that you like.  I love it heated with a scoop of yogurt on top but it's also really good spooned over biscuits, pancakes and waffles.  
  • And remember you can always sprinkled with nuts, dried fruit, yogurt, whip cream or even chocolate.


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