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Garage Sale

   In the last blog I began to tackle all my acquired and handed down Genealogy paper work. The mountain of papers is continuing to slowly decrease and the recycle bin is definitely filling up. But there is still a lot to get done, especially scanning old newsletters and research information.
But after several successful cleaning and editing days throughout the entire house we have decided to have a garage sale.
The plan is to talk with our neighbours and a few friends to see if they would like to sell some of their things as well.  The more people we can get involved the more people we can hopefully attract to the sale. So fingers crossed that it will all go well.  
Gathering items for the Garage sale

Since we are short on space even the dresser that's for sale is getting filled up.

   We have been busy piling everything in the garage over the last two months and now I'm cleaning things off and seemingly sticking price stickers on everything in site.

    If you're planning on your own garage sale here are a few of the things that I do that you might  find helpful.

* Once everything is priced I will take pictures of most of the items we will be selling to place in the online garage sale adds along with additional details and pricing.

* I found some brightly coloured price stickers at my local dollar store for easy to see pricing. I've also set aside some colourful paper for the signage that we will need.

* Keeping all pricing as clear and easy to find as possible is very important since most people don't like to have to ask (including me).

* We've already begun setting aside all our spare change to make sure there will be enough if we need it, as well as a few extra bags, boxes, and wrapping for any breakable items.

* I'm selling a couple of things that need to be plugged in so I will have an extension cord available so that people can test the items to make sure they work.

* I try to have all the smaller and more breakable items up on tables so that it's easier for people to look through.

* By grouping like items together and making it as neat a possible you will of course appeal to a lot more buyers. (In other words don't just throw it all on to the lawn and hope for the best.)
Above all dust things off, wipe things off and get the items as clean as you can.  Nobody really wants to buy dirty dingy things.

* Grouping same price items together and selling multiple items in bundles can be super helpful too. For example items like magazines can be priced at four for $1.00.

* Allow as much space and ease of accessibility as possible for people to move around.

* And lastly, have a free box.  I've done this several times in the past and almost everything in the free box goes. It's always a nice thing since it means less stuff for you to have to pick up and deal with after your sale is over.

If you're looking for a few more Garage Sale ideas and tips?
We have recently added a few to our Pinterest board Getting Organized


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