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Some Easter Creativity For All Ages

If you want to dye Easter eggs for this coming Easter you don't have to use dyes you can do it with the foods you might already have in your kitchen.  
Here's a quick list of some of the foods you can use and what colours they can produce.

Blueberries for a light blue/purple
Beets for bright pink
Brewed coffee for a brown colour
Cranberries for a light pink
Carrot tops, orange or lemon peals for yellow
Spinach for green
Turmeric for bright orange

I have a few recipes on how to dye eggs on our Easter Pinterest board but I also wanted to include a basic one here.

You will need some vinegar, water and your colour ingredients and of course a sauce pan. 
Place all your eggs in a saucepan and cover them with cold water and add 2 Tbsp of vinegar. Then add your colour ingredient and let it all simmer for at least 20 minutes or until you have reached your desired colour.

Tea is also another option that works well for naturally dyeing your eggs. 

Blueberry tea for blue.
Bigelow/Constant comment for light brown.
Chamomile tea for yellow. 
 Raspberry tea for pink.

It's a very similar process as the one mentioned above. You begin by boiling the water and tea to a concentrate, then you let it cool to room temperature. Add your hard boiled eggs to sit overnight or for at least 6 hours to get your desired colour.

If you still want to decorate eggs but you want to keep things simple (without dyeing them) all you really need is a sharpie.  You can create your own design, or get some inspiration online. There are plenty of inspiring pictures both simple and complicated  for you to try on Pinterest. Or you could even put your own doodles to good use. 
If you don't want to use real eggs (if it's an egg allergy or something else entirely) there are always plastic eggs.  Plastic eggs of course can be kept and reused over and over again, and you can redecorate them whenever and however you want. They can be repurpose and when you don't want them anymore you can pass them on or donate them. 

Check out all the instructions and creative Easter ideas on our Pinterest board Easter.


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