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My Zero Dollar DIY

 While our weather has been amazing for September and October our air quality over the last few weeks has not.  So when I would normally be spending time outside enjoying this beautiful weather, instead I'm stuck inside (and I'm sure I'm not the only one) wishing I was was outside.  All our windows are closed and the air purifiers in our house are running day and night.

Since I'm admittedly terrible at sitting still, especially when I have extra time it's no surprise that another diy was inevitable. Especially since I had been thinking of how to hide a dollars store battery light so it wont actually look like....well a dollar store light. I wanted to use the supplies I already had and not spend any extra money.

What I eventually decided to do was work with some wood rings, string or rope, cardboard, and one white plastic ring that I had kept from a roll of double sided tape. It just happened to fit perfectly around the light.

I began by cutting out a circle from a piece of white cardboard.  Using a hot glue gun I glued the wood rings around the edge of the cardboard circle. I wrapped and tied string around the rings and gluing the string all around the base to hide the glue and add some texture. I glued down the remaining excess pieces underneath so they would be hidden.  (Although it did take me a few try's to get the rings and string just the way I liked them.)

I placed the plastic ring in the centre and then the light in the middle. The plastic ring helps hide the light and the light can be used with a remote or you can push the top of the light to turn it on and off.

Over all it works pretty well with my style and it didn't cost me a thing to make.  

Do you have a creative side?  Are you looking for some creative ideas? If you are please feel free to check out Life allergies Pinterest boards, Helpful ideas for the home, Stuff you can do when your stuck at home, or Getting organized.


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