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Temporary Puppy Kennel DIY

 It's been a crazy busy week but I did manage to get another DIY done.  

Since my last project went so well ( see the "Our Simple DIY Indoor Pen For Puppy", from July 11, 2022) I was asked if I could come up with something else.  

What was needed was something similar to a small kennel made from the same cube wire storage shelves as I used for the puppy pen.  A simple but temporary solution in which we could use the items and supplies that we already had available to us. Since I only had eight of the wire cubes to work with I decided to try using some of the leftover white cardboard along with a bunch of zip ties. 

What I ended up doing was cutting the cardboard to the size I needed and using a hole punch along the two sides.  Securing the cardboard to two of the metal squares with zip ties.  I used the plastic connectors that originally came with the wire cubes on the bottom for stability but used the zip ties everywhere else. Securing the wire cubes snuggly and then cutting off the excess from the zip ties.

I used the same hole punch on the left side of the cardboard that I used as the door as well as punching one hole on the opposite side. I loosely secured zip ties on the left side to act as a hinge and used a shower curtain hook on the other side to secure the door when needed.  I taped down the excess of the zip ties on the outside of the cardboard door.

In the end it definitely won't win any design awards but it turned out to be a great temporary solution that didn't cost a thing. It's even been affectionately named "the cabin".


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