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Alternative Protein Sources

Whether your a vegetarian, have an intolerance, allergy, or you just don't like meat there are lots and lots of options to get your protein.  So you can breath a great big sigh of relief, you're not doomed to  just eating beans, nuts and lentils for the rest of your life.
I've been a vegetarian most of my life.  Even as a kid I really never liked meat (especially red meat) and when I got older I actually developed an allergy to red meat. So, as it turned out my body didn't like it much either!
I've know a lot of people over the years who have eliminated red meat, or eliminated meat entirely from their diets for one reason or another.  At first it might take a bit of time to get used to and figure out what to replace the meat with.  But it can absolutely be done.
Thankfully there are a lot of foods you can choose from and you'll likely end up saving a few dollars too.  One of the nice things about giving up meat is that your grocery bills will tend to be a less painful experience.
So, whether it's in your breakfast, lunch, dinner or even a smoothie there's a way you can enjoy it, or at the very least sneak it in there.
So how much protein do we actually need?  Well, the average minimum daily intake of protein for a sedentary man is about 56 grams a day and about 46 grams for a sedentary woman.
So go ahead, now that you know you can enjoy some of these great vegetarian protein sources.
  • Beans: This includes Kidney Beans, Black Beans, Black Eyed Peas, and Lima Beans.
  • Lentils and Chickpeas.
  • Nuts & Seeds: Including Hemp Hearts, Pumpkin Seeds, Chai Seeds, Almonds and Cashews. 
  • Nut butters such as Peanut, Almond, and Cashew butter.
  • Cheese, Milk, Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, and Ricotta Cheese.
  • Soy Milk, Tofu, Edamame, and Tempeh.
  • Quinoa, Brown Rice, Wild Rice, Amaranth, Oatmeal, and Buckwheat.
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, Spinach, Green Peas, Green Beans, Artichokes, Asparagus, Brussels Sprouts, Potatoes, Corn, and Avocado.
  • Mushrooms
  • Eggs
  • Hemp milk
  • Spirulina
  • Tahini
  • Nutritional yeast



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