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Getting Things Done

As I find myself with more time at home I no longer have an excuse not to make headway on that "To Do List" especially when it comes to the stuff you don't enjoy doing.

My spring cleaning began by dragging out the storage containers under the bed to give everything a good dusting and saying goodbye to all those hidden dust bunnies. Going through each of them to see what stays and what goes. Moving on to the closets and other cupboards to clean, organize and rescue those things that seem to fall to the very back or have long since expired.  I even found a bottle of moisturizer that fell in behind and expired 2014.  So yes, I guess it really was time for me to get all this stuff done.

I've also been trying to help paint the fence around our yard but between the weather and everyone mowing lawns it's been a challenge to get it all done.  While we are more than half way finished, if I didn't have this annoying grass allergy we would have been done a month ago. It seems every time I'm ready to head outside someone nearby starts up their lawn mower and my frustration level moves up a notch or two.

So, while I haven't managed to help get all of the fence painted yet I have managed to get some furniture pieces sanded and painted. Which did make me feel a little bit better about the whole lack of progress on the fence. 
One of my projects was a MALM white stained oak veneer 6 drawer dresser that I purchased second hand. Using a low VOC paint and turning on the air purifier I gave it a light sanding and painted it a soft white. I added some hardware to the front and ended up having to countersink in the insides of the drawers. As it turned out these drawers are a bit thicker so I was thankful to be able to borrow the tools to countersink or I would have been on the search for longer bolts.     
Otherwise I only ran into one real problem and that was on the last hole, in the last drawer (of course!). So I will have to go back and fix this.                                                               
The last hole, in the last drawer that I will need to fix.
Wouldn't you know it,
this happened on the very last drawer

While the projects doesn't always go as planned they do usually turn out in the end.  While I do have more projects planned I'm still waiting for a couple of delayed orders to arrive.   

On the DIY art side of things I was really inspired with a few island images I had seen both on canvas and wood.  So I decided to see if it was possible for me to create something similar with what I already had at home.

I had some left over pieces of wood and one just happened to be about the right size and shape. So I searched and found an outline of Vancouver Island. I then traced it out making two templates to try and decide how I would transfer the image onto the wood.  
I decided to print out the colour palate that I wanted and on the back using my template traced out the shape.  Then I very carefully cut out the shapes. 
I brushed on a Matte Gel Medium to the wood and placed the pieces were I wanted them.  Then carefully brushed a coat over the paper.  I gave it a good couple of hours to dry and applied a second coat to the entire thing.                                                     

As you've probably noticed I enjoy being creative especially when the projects actually turnout. 
I think it also helps me feel just a little bit better about the things I can't do.   

If you are looking for some inspiration check us out Pinterest and our boards Helpful Ideas For The Home , Getting Organized



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