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Living With Pets (Plus A Simple Pet DIY)


As you may or may not remember, I do have an ageing pet, a cat who will be 17 years old this September. She's had some health issues the last few years and her mobility isn't as good as it used to be. Since she can't jump as high anymore I've tried to make things easier for her by creating steps or moving things around.  Recently one of her issues has been the height of her litter box. So, like any good pet parent I decided to try looking for a lower sided litter box online. It didn't take me long to give up on the idea as they all seem to start at well over $60.  Yes, I did actually say over $60 for what's basically a plastic container. I then tried looking for a plastic container or tray of some kind that would fit where I wanted it to go, but I just couldn't find anything.  So, as a last resort I decided to take a second look in the garage to see if one of the cardboard boxes we had might somehow work. 

I found an old fruit box that had fairly low sides and it fit perfectly where I needed it to go. (Finally something that might just work.)  But what do I line it with?  Then I remembered that we had some left over peal and stick shelf liner.  

I started by using an exacto knife to cut down one of the corners to make it even easier for her to get in and out. Then I applied the liner in multiple layers to cover the cardboard, with the exception of the very bottom.  And yes, it actually worked.  And best of all, it didn't end up costing me a thing, just my time.

Even though some of us have allergies it doesn't necessarily mean we can't have pets. It just means we need to keep on top of things like potential allergens (including pet hair and dander).  There are actually plenty of things we can do in our homes to make it easier to live with allergies and our beloved pets.  With this in mind, I thought I'd go over some of those basic things below.

I find it important to remember that hard surfaces are better and tend to be easier to clean than many soft surfaces. Think wood, vinyl, or tile floors versus wall to wall carpeting.  I use a Swiffer for a quick easy and very affective way to clean floors.  If you do have carpets a vacuum with a Hepa filter is by far the best type of vacuum that you can use. It's also great for cleaning couches, chairs, mattresses, etc... Washing any bedding (including your pets) in hot water ,vacuuming, and dusting regularly can all go a long way to help. And of course don't forget to use unscented and natural cleaning products when ever possible, for both you and your four legged family member. 

Keeping excess items in covered bins or drawers when ever possible can help keep you organized, reducing clutter, dust, and even your cleaning time (always a good thing).  Using a non ionizing air purifier can significantly reduce pets hair and dander along with all those other contaminants and pollution that can be present in our homes.  If you have heating or air conditioning that requires filters don't forget to replace them regularly.  Since pet's shed (some way more than others) brushing them regularly can also help with all that fly away hair and cleanup. I especially find that to be true on soft surfaces. Lastly the lint brush or roller can be your best friend when it comes to pet hair, not just for cloths but also for any soft surfaces such as curtains, chairs, etc.. .


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