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Allergy Friendly Plants For The Garden

There are plenty of plants to chose from if you want to plant Allergy friendly.  
I found that my local Garden Center is always helpful in helping me find just what I need.

So just because you do have allergies it doesn't necessarily mean that you cant get out into your garden.  It just means you have to be a bit more mindful and careful in what you do.

Here are a few helpful hints that I find help make it easier.

  •   Remember to take you allergy pills before you head outside.
  •  If your allergic to grass avoid going outside while your neighbour's are mowing, and please do not mow the lawn yourself.    ( I made this mistake as a teenager, thinking that I could just tough it out and take extra allergy pills.  Well, let's just say it didn't turn out so well and I was miserable and sick for days!  Definitely a lesson learned.)  
  • Wear gloves and avoid touching your face.  Some people may even need to use a mask.
  • When your done leave the tools, gloves etc.. outside.  Don't bring them indoors with you.
  •  Get changed and washed up ( or better yet jump in the shower) right away to remove any pollen or irritants.

Here are some low allergen plants that you might like to consider for your garden:

  • Sweet pea
  • Petunia  
  •  Iris          
  • Rhododendron 
  • Forget-me-nots

  • Periwinkle 
  • Foxglove 
  • Impatiens 
  • Spring-flowering crocus
  • Daffodil 
  • Roses
  • Snowdrops 
  • Snapdragon                                      
  • Gladiolus 
  • Hyacinth                                           
  • Day lily 
  • Peony                                                 
  • Poppy 
  • Cherry Tree
  • Hibiscus                                          
  •  Begonia – Fibrous or tuberous 
  • Daffodil
  • Tulip
  • Daisy
  • Geranium
  • Impatients
  • Pansy
  • Petunia
  • Big Leaf Hydrangea
  • Azalea
  • Rhododendron
  • Coleus                                    
  • Hosta 
  •  Hens and chicks                         
  • Coral bells                                    
  • Black chokeberry
  • Blueberry bush

  • Viburnum shrubs 
  • Highbush cranberry 
  •  Nannyberry
  • Apple tree
  • Crabapple tree
  • Cherry tree
  • Pear tree
  • Plum tree
  • Dogwood Magnolia shrub


Source:  "Low-Allergy Plants for the Garden" by Allergic Living
   Allergy Friendly Plants: Tips For Making Gardens Allergy Friendly, By Susan Patterson


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