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A Few Reasons To Wash New Clothing Before You Wear Them

Last year I got a great deal on a jacket out of season. I ordered it online and set it aside until I needed it.  Unfortunately I completely forgot to wash it before I eventually wore it (something I always do) I ended up with a horrible and extremely itchy skin reaction that took a month or so to heal.  

I recently read an article, "How Important Is It to Wash New Clothes Before Wearing Them?" by Dr. Mercola that was a complete eye opener for even more reasons than I thought.  It's not just all the people who may have tried it on before you or all the chemicals like Formaldehyde and Dyes that they use. Other contaminates like Skin and Fecal Flora, insects and yeast have also been found.  
Yuk...I know, defiantly not an altogether pleasant thought is it?

This same article also explains that those toxic PFC's (perfluorinated compounds) that you find in your non-stick cookware are also found in the "stain-proof clothing". While some imported clothing are treated with disinfectants and other chemicals that are hard to remove and can affect those who are sensitive or have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities.

From another article "How Important Is It To Wash New Clothes Before Wearing Them?  by Mary Beth Quirk.

This article also explains that many synthetic fabrics or textiles use azo-aniline dyes that can irritate or even cause severe skin reactions.  This is why experts suggested that you might want to wash new clothing more than just once before you wear it. 

   It can be very hard to find organic clothing that hasn't been treated with chemicals.  So realistically it's virtually impossible to completely avoid these chemicals.  
But after reading about this I realize that I need to not only wash them once or even twice but rinse them off at least twice as well.  Since I already have sensitive skin this is going to become a new habit for me. After my forgetfulness I never want to experience a reaction like that ever again.
Lesson Learned.

 Sources:,  How Important Is It to Wash New Clothes Before Wearing Them?


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