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Negotiating The Vitamin And Supplement Isles. What's Right For Me?

As you step into the your local Health Shop or Pharmacy you are suddenly faced with wall upon wall of options?  So were do you start?

First off, it really helps to know what your specific allergies are before you go.  If you know them write them down if you have to and take a list with you.
Sometimes an ingredient can go by several different names.  Various types of Sugar for example,  can actually go by over 60 different names.

Secondly, what are you looking for? Try to look for products that contain as few additives, preservatives, dyes, added sweeteners as possible.  If your a vegetarian or allergic to meat look for vegetarian capsules, it will usually specify this on the label.  If you have any questions about a supplement ask. A Bounty of Supplements Which ones are right for you—really? by Colleen Grant is a simple and helpful article that explains what you need to look for when purchasing specific supplements. article, "Finding Good Vitamins" also offers some great advise as well.

The one important thing you should Always do when taking any supplements is to make sure your Doctor knows you are taking them.  You may not think it important but some supplement can have interactions and it's always best to be safe.

Other Names for Sugar By Lisa D'Agrosa, M.S., R.D., December 17, 2014


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